About Us

Z.P.V. Proizvodnja DOO is engaged in the production of high-precision rifle and pistol barrels, barrel blanks, ballistic test barrels, ballistic test equipment as well as the production of chamber reamers and headspace gauges. Products of the company Z.P.V. Proizvodnja DOO are recognizable for their exceptional quality of workmanship and reliability. Uncompromising quality of products with the Z.P.V. label is recognized on the international market.

Z.P.V. Proizvodnja DOO has a license for the production of weapons and military equipment in the field of:

  • development and production of ballistic barrels for testing infantry ammunition up to and including 12.7mm caliber,
  • development of special equipment for ballistic testing of infantry weapons and ammunition,
  • production of rifles and equipping capacities for the production of weapons and military equipment.



ZPV Proizvodnja D.O.O
Jezdinsko Polje 10

Activity code: 2573 - tools manufacturing

MB: 21108065

PIB: 108995713

Website: www.zpvpro.com
Phone: +381 61 1384821

Contact: info@zpvproizvodnja.com

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